The Invoicing feature of Tap Inspect allows you to add pricing information to services, add discounts to jobs, add sales tax, and generate an invoice for a job.
The feature is included as part of your service but it is opt-in meaning that it must be manually enabled before it is available.
Enable Invoicing
Turn this on to activate the Invoicing features.
Enable Sales Taxes
Turn this on to activate the Sales Taxes features and display Tax Rates.
Invoice Number Prefix
The prefix added to every invoice created. If this is changed it will only affect new invoices. Previously created invoices will not be affected.
Next Invoice Number
The next invoice number to use. The initial default is 1001.
The currency setting defaults to United States Dollar but can be changed for your local currency.
Default Invoice Note
The default text that will appear at the bottom of your invoices. It may be customized for a specific job.
Require Payment to Access Reports
When enabled this will prevent access to a report until the invoice has been paid in full. This is disabled by default.
Discounts are available and behave much like services and one or more can be added to a job. A discount will decrease the total amount of the invoice by either a set amount or by a percentage.
Multiple discounts per account can be added. A default VIP Discount is included in each account.
Tax Rates
This section appears when Enable Sales Taxes is activated in the top Invoices settings.
If you charge taxes for some or all of your services, define the separate tax rates here. Default tax rates will be added to every job automatically.
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