Tap Inspect will warn you have added a photo to a report but the actual image file can not be loaded to display the image data. This is the Missing Photos error.
The error can be displayed in a few different ways but the underlying problem is always the same. The app can not load the image file.
What Can Cause the Missing Photo Error
Using Multiple Devices on the Same Report
The most common cause of missing photos occurs when using multiple devices on the same report. When a photo is added to a comment or an item on one device the report is updated and synchronized to the server. The photos are then also pushed up to the server.
Depending on the number of photos the other device will get the updated report but the photos may not be available quite yet on the server. The app on the second device knows photos should be displayed but can not find them.
Adding Photos from the Camera Roll
Another, less common cause of missing photos occurs when adding photos from the camera roll when using iCloud storage for your photos.
When an iCloud archived photo is added to a report your device must download the full resolution image from iCloud before it can be imported by Tap Inspect. This can take a moment or two and you will see a spinner displayed while the import is in progress. It is important to wait for it to complete.
The app will not let you save a comment while a photo is in the process of importing but there are a few ways it can still go wrong. If Tap Inspect is put into the background by clicking the power button to turn off the screen or by pressing the home button the import is paused. If Tap Inspect gets unloaded from memory the import process will never complete. The app knows a photo should be there but there is no image file to display. That is also a missing photo.
How the Missing Photos Error Will Show Up
The Missing Photos error can occur under a few different circumstances.
The Yikes alert is displayed when a report is initially opened or when manually synchronized and the app notices a photo should be available but it can not find the actual photo image file.
The Yowzas alert will fire off when you are reviewing a PDF report but the app can not load one or more photos to display in the pdf.
Missing Photo Icon
When browsing through a report on the Perform Inspection screen you can see which photos are missing. The missing photo icon will be displayed at each location the app knows a photo should be but can not find the image file to display.
Photos can be added to a report in two different places: in comments and to any multiple choice item.
Comments can be quickly browsed from the View All Report Comments screen. Any missing photos should be easily spotted by the missing photo icon.
If the missing photo(s) are part of a photo collection of an item they can be a little tougher to find. Each item in each section may need to be browsed to find the missing photo icon.
How to Fix the Missing Photos Error
If you are using multiple devices on a single report it is likely just because the photos have not fully synchronized. Manually sync one device then manually synchronize the other device. Once they have both caught up with each other the error will no longer be present.
If that still does not fix the missing photos error the actual reference to the photo but be located and removed. Browse the comments and items to find the missing photo icon(s) and tap on each to open the photo viewer.
The photo viewer will be displayed with a black screen and an X in the middle. Tap on the trash can at the bottom left corner and delete the reference to the missing photo.
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